Frequently Asked Questions

PM-DAKSH (PradhanMantriDakshtaAurKushaltaSampannHitgrahi) Yojana was launched by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MoSJ&E), Government of India in 2020-21. It is a National Action Plan for skilling marginalized persons covering SCs, OBCs, EBCs, DNTs, Sanitation workers including waste pickers. It is a multi-pronged strategy to enhance the competency level of the target groups and make them employable both in wage and Self-employment for their socio-economic development of the following sections of the target group:
  1. Artisans – to improve their revenue generation capacities within their practicing vocations,
  2. Women- to enter into self-employment thereby financially empowering themselves without neglecting their domestic activities; and
  3. Youth- to acquire long-term training and specialization in employable vocations giving them better standing in the job market.
The main objective of the PM-DAKSH Yojana is to increase the skill levels of the target youth by providing them short term and long term skills, followed by assistance in wage/self-employment. Besides above, the skill levels of artisans would be enhanced through Upskilling/Reskilling programmes and enable them to increase their incomes within their practicing vocations.


National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation (NSFDC) is a Central Public Sector Enterprises of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MoSJ&E), Government of India. It was set up on 8th February, 1989 under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 as a company 'not-for-profit'. Now, it is a Section 8 Company (not-for-profit) under the Companies Act, 2013. The broad objective of NSFDC is to extend financial assistance in the form of loan and grants-in-aid for socio-economic development of eligible Scheduled Caste persons.

Address:14th Floor, SCOPE Minar, Core 1 & 2, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110 092.
Tel.: 011-22054392, 22054394, 22054396,
Fax: 011-22054395,
E-mail: support-nsfdc[at]nic[dot]in,
It has three Liaison Centers at Mumbai, Kolkata, and Bengaluru.


National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC) is a Central Public Sector Enterprises of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MoSJ&E), Government of India. It was incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 on 13th January 1992 as a Company not-for-profit (Now, a Section 8 Company under the Companies Act, 2013) with an objective to promote economic and developmental activities for the benefit of Backward Classes and to assist the poorer section of these classes in skill development and self-employment ventures.

Address: 5th Floor, NCUI Building, 3, Siri Institutional Area, August KrantiMarg, New Delhi-110016.
Tel. : 011-45854400
Toll Free : 18001023399 (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM On Weekdays)
E-mail : info[at]nbcfdc[dot]gov[dot]in


National SafaiKaramcharis Finance & Development Corporation (NSKFDC) is a Central Public Sector Enterprises of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MoSJ&E), Government of India. It was set up on 24th January, 1997 as a Company “not-for-profit” under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. Now, a Section 8 Company under the Companies Act, 2013.

Address: NTSC,3rd Floor, E-Block, NSIC, Okhla Industrial Estate- III, New Delhi-110020.
Tel.: 011-26382476, 26382477,26382478
Fax: 011-26382479
E-mail : nskfdc-msje[at]nic[dot]in

The eligible target group for getting benefit of skill development training programmes under PM-DAKSHYojana and required documents are given as under:

Sl. No Eligible Target Group Documents Required
(i) Persons belonging to Scheduled Castes a) Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority of State Government/UT Administration.
(ii) Other Backward Classes (OBCs) having Annual Family Income below Rs. 3.00 lakh a) OBC Certificate issued by an appropriate Authority of State Government/UT Administration and
b) Annual Family Income Certificate below Rs.3.00 lakh issued by the appropriate authority of the State Government/UT Administration or self-certified and duly endorsed by a Gazetted officer as defined by the appropriate Government. It is explicitly clarified that endorsement by public representatives, Gram Pradhan, Sarpanch, Councilor, notaries etc. will not be acceptable. Further, valid Below Poverty Line (BPL) card and Antodaya Anna Yojna (AAY) cards will also be acceptable as commensurate proof of annual family income of the beneficiary being within Rs.1.00 lakh per annum.
(iii) Economically Backward Classes (EBCs) having Annual Family Income below Rs.1.00 lakh a) Annual Family Income Certificate below Rs.1.00 lakh issued by the appropriate authority of the State Government/UT Administration or self-certified and duly endorsed by a Gazetted officer as defined by the appropriate Government. It is explicitly clarified that endorsement by public representatives, Gram Pradhan, Sarpanch, Councilor, notaries etc. will not be acceptable. Further, valid Below Poverty Line (BPL) card and Antodaya Anna Yojna (AAY) cards will also be acceptable as commensurate proof of annual family income of the beneficiary being within Rs.1.00 lakh per annum.
b) No Caste Certificate is required in case of EBCs.
(iv) De-Notified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribe (DNT) a) Undertaking in the form of self-declaration of the candidate of his/her specific caste, date of birth and address alongwith the endorsement by the local Pradhan of the Community/Cluster to this effect.
(v) SafaiKaramchari including his/her dependents. a) Occupation Certificate duly issued by an appropriate authority.

The category-wise income criteria aregiven as under:

Schedule Castes No income criterion.
Other Backward Classes Annual family income should be below Rs.3.00 lakh.
Economically Backward Classes The Annual family income should be below Rs.1.00 lakh.
De-notified Nomadic and Semi-nomadic Tribes No income criterion.
SafaiKaramcharis No income criterion.
“SafaiKaramchari” means a person, including his/her dependants, engaged in or employed for any sanitation work and includes waste pickers, but excludes domestic worker and manual scavengers.
Local Revenue Officer/Local Municipal Officer/Cantonment Executive Officer/ Railway Officer, Head of the Govt. Departments (i.e. Schools, Colleges, Forest, Health, Education, Animal Husbandry) having rank not less than Gazetted Officer, Elected Members of Municipal Body, Pradhan of Gram Panchayats and Regional Managers of Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)/Public Sector Banks (PSBs).
The persons between the ages of 18-45 years are eligible for undergoing skill development training programmes under PM-DAKSHYojana.
Publicity of Skill Development Training Programmes is made through advertisement in local newspapersor any other print or electronic media from time to time. The interested candidates need to register on the Portal for enrollment in the skill development training programmes. The link for registration is given below: [Please provide link for candidates registration]
There are four types of skill development training programmes under PM-DAKSH Yojanaviz; (i) Up-skilling/Re-skilling, (ii) Short Term Training Programmes, (iii) Long Term Training Programmes, and (iv) Entrepreneurship Development Programme.
No. The skill development training programmessponsored under PM-DAKSHYojanafor the target group are free of cost.
No. A person is eligible to undergo training under skill development training programme only once.
No. A person is allowed to participate only in one skill development training programme.
After successfully completion of skill development training programmes, the trainees are provided assistance/ facilitated for wage/self-employment by the Training Institutions.
Yes.The trainees are paid stipend for non-residential training programmes, as per details given below:
Sl. No. Type of Training Programme Amount of Stipend per person and purpose Eligibility Criteria for Stipend
(i) Re-skilling/upskilling training programmes Rs.3,000/- for complete duration of the training programme. 80% attendance.
(ii) Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) Rs.100/- per day towards to & fro and refreshment expenses. 80% attendance.
(iii) Short Term Training Programmes
  • SC candidates - Rs.1,500/- per month for the duration of skill development training programme.
  • OBC/EBC/DNT candidates – Rs.1,000/- per month for the duration of skill development training programme.
  • SafaiKaramcharis – Rs. 1,500/- per month for the duration of skill development training programme.
80% attendance.
(iv) Long Term Training Programmes
For residential training programmes, no stipend is paid. Rather, expenditure towards Boarding & Lodging, as per the Common Cost Norms issued by the Ministry of Skill development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India from time to time, is considered as a part of training cost.
The curriculum and educational qualification required for the Upskilling/Reskilling, Short Term and Long Term skill development training programmes will be as per thedetails prescribed for a specific training programme/job role in National SkillsQualificationsFramework (NSQF)/ National Occupational Standards (NOS) issued by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India, from time to time.
The curriculum of the EDP will essentially be modeled on NSQF and as notified by the Ministry of Rural Development, being implemented by RSETIs, vide letter No.I-12011/09/2016-NRLM (RSETI) dated 18.11.2017. The training would consists of sessions on Effective Communication Skills, Risk Taking Behaviour, Business Opportunity Guidance, Market Survey, Systematic Planning, Banking- Deposits, Advances and Lending, Costing & Pricing, Time Management, Working Capital and its Management, Business Plan Preparation etc.
The duration of the skill development training programmes are as under:
Sl. No. Type of Training Programme Duration in Hours and Days/Months/Year
(i) Upskilling/Re-skilling training programmes 32 – 80 Hours (Upto 1 Month)
(ii) Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) 80 – 90 Hours (Upto 15 days)
(iii) Short Term Training Programmes. 200 – 600 Hours (2 – 5 Months)
(iv) Long Term Training Programmes. 600 – 1,000 Hours (6 Months to 1 Year)
The National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) is a competency based framework that organizes qualifications according to a series of knowledge, skills and aptitude. The NSQF levels, graded from one to ten, are defined in terms of learning outcomes which the learner must possess regardless of whether they are obtained through formal, non-formal or informal learning. National Occupational Standards (NOS) are statements of the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for effective performance in a job role and are expressed as outcomes of competent performance. They list down what an individual performing that task should know and also are able to do. These standards can form the benchmarks for various education and training programs to match with the job requirements. Just as each job role may require the performance of a number of tasks, the combination of NOSs corresponding to these tasks form the Qualification Pack (QP) for that job role.
Sector-wise some indicative skill development training programmes are given as under:
  • Apparel Sector (Sewing Machine Operator, Self-Employed Tailor, Sample Coordinator, Fashion Designer, Pattern Cutting Master etc.)
  • Petrochemical Sector (Machine Operator Assistant-Plastic Extrusion, Plastic Processing, Injection Molding, Blow Molding etc.)
  • CNC Milling Programming and Operation, CAD using Auto CAD, Diploma in Hardware & Networking, CNC Lathe Machine Operator, CNC Turning Programming and Operation etc.
  • Electronic Sector (Domestic Electrician etc.)
  • Automobile Sector (Automobile Repairs and Servicing)
  • Beauty & Wellness Sector (Assistant Beauty Therapist, Beauty Therapist, Hair Stylist etc.)
  • Health Sector (General Duty Assistant, Machine Operator, Medical Health Record Technician etc.)
  • Fixture and Fittings Sector (Wooden Carpenter, Modular Furniture Assembler etc.)
  • Logistics Sector (Domestic Data Entry Operator, Front Office Associates etc)
The cost for various both non-residential and residential skill development training programmes under PM-DAKSH Yojana will be as per the Common Cost norms (CCN) for NSQF Job Roles issued by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India or as stipulated by concerned Board as applicable and amended from time to time.
The targeted outcomes of wage-employment and self-employmentorientedskill development training programmes under PM-DAKSH Yojana are given as under:
Sl. No. Type of Training Programme Outcome
(i) Upskilling/Re-skilling training programmes Enhancement of earnings of livelihood as self-certified by the trained candidates.
(ii) Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) At least 70% of trained candidates should be self-employed and/or wage-employed to earn their livelihood.
(iii) Short Term Training Programmes The overall placement of the trained candidates should be 70% in wage/self-employment out of which at least 50% is in wage-employment, in case of wage-employment oriented skill development training programmes. In case of self-employment oriented skill development training programmes, the overall placement of the trained candidates should be 70% in wage/self-employment out of which at least 50% is in self-employment.
(iv) Long Term Training Programmes
Yes. After attending any self-employment oriented skill development training programme/EDP, a person willing to start his/her own venture/business, may avail concessional financial assistance from the Corporations as mentioned below:
Scheduled Castes NSFDC through its State Channelizing Agencies (SCAs)/Channel Partners
Other Backward Classes NBCFDC through its State Channelizing Agencies (SCAs)/Channel Partners
SafaiKarmcharis NSKFDC through its State Channelizing Agencies (SCAs)/Channel Partners
No. The skill development training programmes under PM-DAKSHYojana can only be provided/conducted through the institutes identified and approved by Ministry of Social justice empowerment. For list of the training institutes, click on the link given below: [Please provide the linkof 58 Training Institutes list here]